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There’s more episodes of “Around the Table with Vickie” to listen to and to be inspired by!

Community Impact: Stories of Renewal and Empowerment with Jordan Ayers and Taylor Musgrave Perkins

In this lively episode of “Around the Table with Vickie,” I sit down with two extraordinary local women, Jordan Ayers and Taylor Musgrove Perkins, who are truly making a difference in their communities. Jordan shares her inspiring journey with Renewed Women, a ministry she founded to support women through life’s challenges. Then I chat with Taylor, a former special education teacher who created Craveables, an innovative ice cream business that teaches job skills to individuals with cognitive and intellectual disabilities. I’m so proud of both of these women who decided to take their passion and give it purpose, and I hope you will join us for an episode full of heart, inspiration, and the power of community.

Jordan Ayers – Renewed Women

Taylor Musgrove Perkins – craveABLEs